TBC 100 logo V3
Our new clubhouse completed Autumn 2020
Our former Clubhouse was a prominent feature in Queens Road
Remember those sunny days....
The green looks a bit quiet unlike the clubhouse

200 Club Christmas Draw

As your 200 Club Administrator chap was unable at the last minute to attend the Christmas Dinner last week, the Draw was done instead on the Friday evening just gone in front of a decent crowd. 

So it is pleasing to report that Gordon Taylor, our outgoing Bowls Club President, newly elected Deputy Chairman and now also stand-in Chairman of the Sports Club won the £500 200 Club Christmas Jackpot prize.  

The overworked Mr Taylor was not present, unlike our £100 Second Prize winner, Mr Byron Harvey, who had difficulty keeping a straight face for the rest of the evening. 

Well done to both worthy and very popular winners.

200 Club November Draw

We drew this month's numbers at half time of the England v USA World Cup match shown on the big screen at the club, so at least we are able to say there was at least one winner on the evening! 

One of our more senior members Dave Powell won this month's first prize of £100 with his number 140 and 2nd prize of £25 went to Jeremy Munro of the tennis club with his number 35.

Next month's draw will take place at our Christmas Meal on 10th December when the prizes will be £500 and £100.  Be there or be square (that dates me a bit).

200 Club October Draw

This month we did the draw at the end of one of our Friday Club Nights, which these days mainly involves short mat.  So a crowded room saw the 1st prize number 42 pop up and this belongs to our beloved former Treasurer's wife Beryl Wright.  Next up, the 2nd prize of £25 went to long time tennis club member Alan Cornish.

Congratulations as always goes to our winners.

Next month the prizes will be £100 and £25 and likely to be drawn during the England v USA football night that we will be having at the club.

200 Club September Draw

The September Draw took place at our Bowls Presentation Night and the very first winner of the new Lightfoots Cup competition also won the £200 first prize, just before he emigrates to Scotland - I'm talking about Kevin Sharman of course who now has more than one reason to remember us by.  Second prize was won by Aidan Coles, a tennis member who has had a number in the draw since the very beginning in May 2017.  

Congratulations to both winners.

October prizes will be £75 and £25 before the prize amounts work their way up the scale towards the grand Christmas bumper prize.

200 Club August Draw

A remarkable month when 2 of our small and elite group of Life Members won the prizes on offer.   The Draw took place after the Ladies v Gents match in front of a few of our sponsors and I am delighted to say that our long-time former Treasurer, coach and great supporter of our Club Keith Wright won the 1st prize of £100 and the 2nd prize of £25 went to our outstanding clubman and former Club Captain John Hurley.  Wonderful.    

The September prizes are £200 and £50 so keep your fingers crossed that your number comes up on 30th when all being well we will do the September Draw on that Friday evening.  

200 Club July Draw

The July draw was held in front of a clubhouse full of bowls club members after the Friday League games on 29th July.  This month's £75 first prize was won by our brilliant Social Event Organiser Jo Green with her number 59 and Gerry Bryant, who witnessed his number 48 being drawn, and having already won a tenner in the raffle lucky fella, won the 2nd prize of £25.  Many congratulations to both winners.

The August draw will take place in the club on the 26th when the prizes will be £100 and £25. 

200 Club June Draw

The June draw was held in the clubhouse after the Frday League games on 1st July.  The first prize of £200 was won by Ian Griffiths with his number 45 and Derek Goodyear, a generous supporter of the 200 Club since Day 1 in 2017, won the 2nd prize of £50.  Many congratulations to both winners.

Next month's draw will take place in the club on 29th July when the prizes will be £75 and £25. 

200 Club May Draw

The £100 first prize of the first draw of the new 200 Club year was won by Jenny Lowe with her number 9 and our Men’s League Captain John Rawson celebrated our first league game of this season with a 5-1 win over Bicester, but then also won the second prize of £25 with his number 60!  Well done both. 

May I thank everyone who has subscribed with a number or numbers this year.  For a variety of reasons we had a turnover of nearly 20 numbers in the past month so I very much thank those who continue to support the Club and those who have most recently joined or subscribed to extra numbers to make sure we have a full house.


200 Club April Draw

The final draw of this 200 Club year was completed on Friday 29th and the first prize of £75 was won by long time friend of the club Ken White.  The second prize of £25 was won by our exceptional President Gordon Taylor.

Thanks all Bowls Club members who have supported us this past year.  We have now written to all Bowls Club members about the new May 2022 - April 2023 200 Club year when we hope it will be well supported again.

In the year just gone the 200 Club has paid out a total of £2,250 in prizes and we've been able to contribute £2,550 to Sports Club funds.  This money  helps the Sports Club cover borrowing costs associated with the new clubhouse.

So far the 200 Club has raised £12,000 in the 5 years we've been running it, so a big thank you to Bowls Club members who have significantly helped make this happen.

Ian Rutherford

200 Club Administrator

200 Club March Draw

I think the March draw was the first to take place in 5 years without your writer, but happily the winner of the £200 prize is our blind bowling buddy Bob Gerhardt with his number 176, well done Bob.  Second prize was won by Matt Canfield with his number 159.

The final draw of this 200 Club year will be next month when the April prizes will be £75 and £25.

Thanks everyone who is a member for supporting the 200 Club this past year and we will be writing in a few weeks' time about the new May 2022 - April 2023 200 Club year when we hope to learn that you will support us again.  

200 Club February Draw

This month the draw was held during a Friday afternoon's table tennis session when the £100 1st prize was won by friend of the Club Nigel Champken-Woods and the £25 2nd prize by Jenny Reed.  

We only have 2 more months to go before the end of this 200 Club's year and March's top prize will be £200!

Good luck everyone.

200 Club January Draw

This month's draw took place in front of an enthusiastic group of short mat players on the very last day of the month.

One of our senior members John Wheeler won this month's £75 first prize with his number 83 and the second prize of £25 went to our tennis club member Alan Cornish with his number 160.

As always, our congratulations go to both winners.

Next month's prizes will be £100 and £25 and hopefully we will be able to do this draw on a Friday evening again!  

200 Club Christmas Draw

Unfortunately, due to the postponement to a later date of our Christmas Dinner, we did the 200 Club Draw on Monday 13th at the final short mat session this year in front of 30 or so enthusiasts.

And this year's bumper Christmas Draw winners will be familiar names to many of you, because Jan Sargeant won the 1st Prize of £500 with her number 103 and Maire Duncan took the 2nd prize of £100 with number 191.

Many congratulations to both long time members of the 200 Club.

We hope to hold the next draw in front of a crowd in January 2022, but we will have to wait and see what next month brings.

In the meantime, we hope you all have a good Christmas and can look forward to a prosperous New Year. 

200 Club November Draw

Another month, another 200 Club draw.  This month's winners have won before, so we need to seek their advice on how to do it!

On this occasion Rosie Collins won £100 with her number 27 and Graham Watson £25 with his number 77.

Next month we have prizes of £500 and £100 in the Christmas Bumper Draw, so we hope to see you there at the Bowls Club Christmas Dinner on 17th December when the draw takes place.   


200 Club October Draw

It was really nice to do the 200 Club Draw this month in front of so many club members enjoying a good night out playing short mat, having a drink and a chat, or playing cards.  A good time appeared to be had by all.

Amongst all of this we did the 200 Club Draw in which Graham Watson won the £75 1st prize and Barbara Waters the £25 2nd prize.  Well done to both long term contributors to the 200 Club.

Next month we have £100 and £25 prizes before the big £500 and £100 Draw that will be held at the Christmas Dinner. 

Until next time ........

200 Club September Draw

Bowls Club members are doing very well this year, yet again taking both prizes.

Jane Kimber has won the very significant first prize of £200 and Maxine Plested has the 2nd prize cheque for £50 on the way to her.

Congratulations go to both members and thanks again go to everyone for supporting us so well.

Next month's prizes drop to £75 and £25 before we start working ourselves up the scale to the Christmas jackpot prize of £500 which will be drawn at our Christmas Dinner on 17th December. 

Keep well everyone.

200 Club August Draw

The August draw this month took place earlier than forecast, after the Friday League matches that were played on a Monday (yes really).

The first prize of £100 was won by Steve Balne with his number 48 and the £25 2nd prize went to Louise James, a tennis club member, with her number 25.

Congratulations to both.

Next month's prizes will be £200 and £50.

200 Club July Draw

For the second month in a row and we've been able to do the draw in front of a packed clubhouse, although sadly much to the disapointment of eveyone present, no one in the room won!

Nonetheless, there was applause for the winners, namely the £75 1st prize of winner Jill Jenner and the £25 2nd prize winner Barbara Waters. Well done ladies.

Next month on the 27th August we will have prizes of £100 and £25 up for grabs.

We hope to see you there! 

200 Club June Draw

We have at last been able to do a 200 Club Draw in front of a proper audience, namely at our first Friday League evening since August 2019.  Makes a change of doing the draw in front of one man and dog watching over my shoulder on Zoom! 

Our long standing bowls club member Dave Powell won the first prize of £200 with his number 84 and Helena Richards of the Tennis Club, who has been with us since the start of the 200 Club, won the £50 second prize with number 85.

As always, congratulations go to both winners.

All being well, we will do the next draw on 30th July and if you can't remember which you numbers you have, the full list is on display in the clubhouse, pinned to the blue screen.

200 Club May Draw

Well here we are again and a new 200 Club year starts with another first.

Ken Calcutt, who won last month with number 88 wins again this month with the same number and that hasn't happened before in over 4 years.  Congratulations go to Ken, along with the £100 that is on its' way to him.

Second Prize winner for £25 this month is Beryl Wright who wins with her number 42.

Our thanks go to everyone who has supported the 200 Club again this year and to those who have joined in for the first time - not everyone can be a prize winner, but at least if you don't win, you know your money is going to help us keep our facilities in a healthy state.

The draw took place today in the Clubhouse for a change and we hope we can do the June Draw after the first round of Friday League matches on 25th of next month.  We hope to see you then.

200 Club April Draw

The final draw of this 200 Club year meant that Alan Cornish, a tennis club member who has supported the 200 Club from the very beginning won £75 and our very own Ken Calcutt, who has also been with us since the start, won £25. 

The new 200 Club year May 2021 - April 2022 will start again shortly so please look out for an email from me asking you to please keep your numbers for another year.

In this year just gone the 200 Club has paid out a total of £2,250 in prizes and we've been able to contribute £2,540 to Sports Club funds.  This money will help the Sports Club cover the borrowing costs associated with the new clubhouse.

So far the 200 Club has raised £9,700 in the 4 years we have been running it, so a big thank you to bowls club members who have significantly helped make this happen.

Ian Rutherford

200 Club Administrator


200 Club March Draw

The March draw allows us to write a cheque to John Ashfield who today won £200 with his number 14 and to Ken Bennell who will shortly have a cheque in his hands for £50 having won second prize with his number 69.

The final draw of this 200 Club year will be next month when the April prizes will be £75 and £25.

Thanks everyone who is a member for supporting the 200 Club this year.

We will be writing to everyone in a few weeks'. time about the May 2021 - April 2022 200 Club.

Keep well all.

February 200 Club Draw

Well, this month we have a very happy Ray Brindley celebrating a £100 win with his number 137 and Kevin Sharman a £25 win with number 179.

Our congratulations go to both winners.

Next month we have prizes of £200 and £50 on offer.

Hope to see you all soon! 

January 200 Club Draw

Hi everyone and hoping for a Happy New Year to one and all.

This month's draw has just taken place and the winners are:

First prize Mr John Walker with number 111 and he wins £75.  The second prize goes to Mrs Jill Jenner with number 183 and she wins £25.

Well done both lucky players.

Next month's prizes wil be worth £100 and £25.

Christmas 200 Club Draw

The extra special Christmas Draw of the 200 Club took place this evening and, luckily, Bowls Club members won both prizes.

The £500 cheque for the 1st Prize will go to Chris Bennell and the £100 2nd Prize cheque will soon be on its' way to Roger Blackburn.

Congratulations to them both.

Next month we have more modest prizes on offer of £75 an £25 - watch this space in about 6 weeks' time.

Copyright © 2025 Thame Bowls Club. All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, 9th of February 2025