TBC 100 logo V3
Our new clubhouse completed Autumn 2020
Our former Clubhouse was a prominent feature in Queens Road
Remember those sunny days....
The green looks a bit quiet unlike the clubhouse

300 Club

Well here we are again and a new 200 Club year starts with another first.

Ken Calcutt, who won last month with number 88 wins again this month with the same number and that hasn't happened before in over 4 years.  Congratulations go to Ken, along with the £100 that is on its' way to him.

Second Prize winner for £25 this month is Beryl Wright who wins with her number 42.

Our thanks go to everyone who has supported the 200 Club again this year and to those who have joined in for the first time - not everyone can be a prize winner, but at least if you don't win, you know your money is going to help us keep our facilities in a healthy state.

The draw took place today in the Clubhouse for a change and we hope we can do the June Draw after the first round of Friday League matches on 25th of next month.  We hope to see you then.

Copyright © 2025 Thame Bowls Club. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, 8th of February 2025