We did the 300 Club June draw early this month because it seemed a waste of an opportunity not to do it at the Sports Club BBQ on Saturday night given it was attended by both Bowls and Tennis Club members, many of whom have numbers.
For the very first time in the 200 now 300 Club’s six and a bit year history we had four prizes, one of £200 and 3 of £50. Also for the first time, we did the draw outdoors!
Of the 300 numbers we have 24 not yet taken, so if you haven’t got a number and would like one please let Ian know. The numbers chart is in the display unit in the clubhouse lobby if you want to see which numbers are available.
And so to the Draw, the first prize of £200 was won by the Tennis Club’s Giuseppi Fiorello. Next up was £50 won by our good buddy Tony Adamson who sadly hasn’t been well enough to join us so far this summer, then £50 for recent arrival at Thame Bowls Club David White and finally Peter Hughes, who played his first Friday League game a couple of days ago, won the final £50 prize.
Congratulations to all winners and many thanks to everyone for your support.
It was also a joy to see so many tennis players be coached and have a go at bowls on the green for an hour after we had finished eating. They genuinely seemed to enjoy having a go at bowling and some of them worryingly showed great promise!