TBC 100 logo V3
Our new clubhouse completed Autumn 2020
Our former Clubhouse was a prominent feature in Queens Road
Remember those sunny days....
The green looks a bit quiet unlike the clubhouse

Ladies and Men's Halls of Fame

I have created a Hall of fame for both the Ladies and the the men.
These are under the Club Honours link on the left hand menu.
The ladies can be found here and you will see that some of the names have initials for their first names. Please let me know if you know their actual first names. Also of note is that Caroline Walker, who is still playing , is just one win from being in joint top spot.
The Men's can be found here and also has a couple of members who's first name is missing. Again if you can help please let me know.
Phil Reed

The Duncan's 2024 Christmas Draw

Maire and Ron's Christmas Draw took place at the Christmas Social on 13th December and raised a brilliant £460 for the Club.
Overall they gave out £470 in prizes split between the winners:
1st The Ashfields
2nd The Duncans
3rd Colin French
4th John Walker
5th Frank Woolley
6th Pat Wills
Enormous thanks go to Maire and Ron for making this happen again this year so we can have some fun at Christmas and top up the Club's bank account.  

Christmas Social 13th December


Pop Quiz 50s, 60s and 70s on 16th November

music quiz poster.jpg

2024 AGM Agenda

Thame Bowls Club AGM 2024

To be held at the Clubhouse at 7.00pm for 7.30pm - Monday 4th November 2024


  1. Minutes of the last AGM
  2. Matters arising – acceptance of Minutes
  3. Secretary’s report & Green Keepers report (Chris Shannon)
  4. Treasurer’s report (Ian Rutherford)
  5. Sports Club Representative’s report (Ian Rutherford)
  6. Fixture Secretary’s report (Terri & Roger Blackburn)
  7. Men’s League Captain’s report (John Rawson)
  8. Ladies Captain’s report (Jill Brooks)
  9. Match Captain’s report (Roger Blackburn/Colin French)
  10. Competition Secretary’s report (Adrian Wilcox)
  11. Social Secretary’s report (Jo Green)
  12. Short Mat report (Ian Rutherford)
  13. Sponsorship report
  14. Bar Update
  15. Chairman’s report – (hand over to Chairman elect after vote)
  16. Election of Officers – members to vote
  17. Propositions from members – discussion and vote
  18. AOB
  • Including discussion on possible change of club clothing
  1. 300 Club Draw & Close


2024 AGM Propositions

Thame Bowls Club – AGM – 4th November 2024

Propositions received from members for consideration and then put to a vote.


Proposed By

Seconded By


Membership and Match Fees 2025


It is proposed that Membership and Match Fees across the board remain unchanged for 2025.

This conflicts with a previous resolve by the Committee that Fees should increase year on year in line with costs, but despite a rise in costs and one-off expenditure this year, we have managed to increase our income streams and there are no significant ongoing costs anticipated for 2025. We are also fortunate to have a decent sum in Reserve for emergencies.


Our Fees remain notably lower than many of the clubs that we play and some pay considerably more.



To be specific this means:

  • The renewal of Full Playing Membership remains at £95.
  • New playing members joining the club pay £70 and be asked to buy a club shirt if they play in club organised matches - new members joining after the beginning of July would pay £45.  
  • Under 25 Playing Member and Social Member Fees remain at £15. 
  • Match Fees to remain at £3.
  • We will recommend to the Sports Club that Short Mat Membership also remains at £25.




Ian Rutherford


Chris Shannon



Life Membership with effect from AGM – 2024


The minutes of the 2021 AGM record that the members were formally asked to recognise and remember the huge effort both Ian Rutherford and Chris Shannon had invested throughout the club house rebuilding project.  With the late Peter Bozier they worked with the architect to design a building within budget and fit for purpose and shape the complicated fund-raising proposals.  During the build, Ian and Chris then worked on almost a daily basis to meet with the builder, track progress, take photos and manage the budget.  It was 12 months, much affected by Covid lockdowns before we could fully enjoy and benefit from what we have now. 

At the time Ian and Chris felt quite strongly it was too early in their relationship with the Bowls Club to accept the proposed honour of life membership.  Since then of course, Chris and Ian have continued to reinforce their commitment to supporting the success and development of the Club.

Now in 2024, your retiring Chairman and President, Bill Giles and Les Canfield wish to once again propose that Ian and Chris be elected as life members by the membership and to urge them to accept this deserved acknowledgment of their contributions to the Club. 


Jointly by Bill Giles & Les Canfield

Gordon Taylor



Life Membership with effect from AGM – 2024


Jesse Matthews has been part of the green keeping helpers for many years now and still turns out regularly to help with the mowing whenever he is available. Although he bowls less these days, he is always happy to step in as a last minute substitute to help out the captains when teams are short and regularly helps set up the green for matches and the Friday League play. It is proposed by your Chairman and seconded by Chris Shannon that Jesse is now elected as a life member to recognise his long standing contribution to the Club.


Bill Giles

Chris Shannon


Bingo Saturday 26th October


2024 Presentation Evening photos

2024 Presentation Evening photos can be found here Click on an image to enlarge it (you'll need to be logged in to see them)

2024 AGM Nominations *Updated*


Officer Nominations for A.G.M. – Monday 4th November 2024 at 7.30pm at the Bowls Club.

Nominations are invited for the Officers and Committee appointments detailed below – (please note that there can be more than one nomination, but the consent of the Nominee should be obtained prior to nomination).






Maire Duncan

Bill Giles

Les Canfield


Byron Harvey

Bill Giles

Gordon Taylor

Vice Chairman

Gordon Taylor

Chris Shannon

Mike Ralls

Hon Secretary

Chris Shannon

Gordon Taylor

Phil Reed

Assistant Secretary

Mike Ralls

Chris Shannon

Jill Brooks

Hon Treasurer

Ian Rutherford

Gordon Taylor

Chris Shannon

Fixture Secretary

Terri & Roger Balckburn

Ian Rutherford

Phil Reed

Captain (Ladies)

Jill Brooks

Gini Williams

Janet Shannon

Vice Captain (Ladies)

Pauline Holmes

Jill Brooks

Janet Shannon

Captain (Men’s League)

Chris Shannon

Ian Rutherford

Melvyn Warner

Saturday Captain

Ken King

Chris Shannon

 Adrian Wilcox

Sunday Captain

Roger Blackburn

Chris Shannon

Gordon Taylor

Mid-Week Captain

Colin French

Roger Blackburn

Chris Shannon

Sports Club Representative

Ian Rutherford

Bill Giles

Chris Shannon

Comp. Secretary

Adrian Wilcox

Phil Reed

Gordon Taylor

BOL Rep. (Ladies)

Deirdre Page

Jill Brooks

Chris Shannon

OBA Rep. (Men)

Chris Shannon

Gordon Taylor

Geoff Roynon

Green Keeper

Chris Shannon

Jesse Matthews

Melvyn Warner

Social Secretary

Jo Green

Bill Giles

Gordon Taylor

Development Officers

Peter Gibbons, Frank & Lydia Woolley

Ian Rutherford

Chris Shannon

Safeguarding Officer

Jo Green

Chris Shannon

Bill Giles


Macmillan Coffee Morning - Result!

There was a great turnout and you very generous people raised the fantastic sum of £1088. This was helped by Jo's book and jigsaw sale. Barbara and Terri went beyond the call of duty and Joan was a great help. We even managed to get some donations via the QR code. A great day and a great result which makes it all worthwhile.

So thank you to the club for the loan of the clubhouse but most especially to everyone who donated.

Many thanks 


Oxfordshire County Senior Fours

A few weeks ago four of our bowlers reached the semi finals of the Oxfordshire County Senior Fours played at Chipping Norton early on a Sunday morning.  Sadly they lost to a Kidlington four who in turn lost the Final against Headington, who then went on to compete for Oxfordshire in the National Finals. 

2024 Chairman v Secretary

The Season Finale Match - Chairman v Secretary

 48 members lined up for a very enjoyable game last Saturday to round off the season. Having rearranged the day, thankfully as predicted by our esteemed Chairman, the weather was kind to us and the green had recovered well from being flooded earlier in the week to bowl beautifully.

5 new first season bowlers took part in supporting the Secretary’s side, who for once (well according to the Chairman) managed to sneak over the line in first place by a small margin.

All in all, a fantastic day when we also assisted the club’s extremely successful Macmillan Cancer Support charity day by raising more funds and demolishing the excess cakes along the way.

Thank you to everyone who took part and to echo many others, it continues to be a pleasure being part of such a generous and caring social sports club.

Bill & Chris


A few photos of the day taken by Geoff Roynon






2024 AGM notes



Thame Bowls Club – 2024 AGM


The draft minutes of the 2023 Bowls Club AGM held on the 6th November 2023 are in the members area of the website and on the notice board in the clubhouse

The draft minutes have been assessed by your committee as an accurate record of the 2023 AGM, but are open to any member for amendment and comment regarding additions or inclusions prior to the 2024 AGM. Following agreement of any amendments, the minutes will be proposed and passed as an accurate record for the future reference at this year’s AGM to be held on the 4th November 2024.


Chris Shannon

Hon Secretary



Thame Bowls Club AGM on Monday, 4th November 2024 commencing at 7.00pm for 7.30pm start at the Bowls Club.


  • The Bowls Club AGM will take place on Monday the 4th November and a list of key roles required to organise the 2025 season is attached to the clubhouse notice board. You will see that people have already stepped forward to undertake many of the key roles, but we still have some significant gaps and do need more members to help with sharing the weekly tasks and inject new ideas and energy. Please give this some consideration before the AGM and put your name on the list or speak to one of your committee team to discuss the roles and how you can help.
  • As we have all experienced, centenary year has been extremely successful and we continue to expand and thrive as a popular and friendly social club. However if we are to run all of the existing fixtures, competitions and events successfully in the future – and continue to improve and grow - we do need to recruit some new volunteers, with fresh ideas, skills and energy. So please come forward if you wish to help us ensure the club’s activities can continue to run successfully. Please don’t be reticent – we are not talking rocket science, the tasks are not difficult, we just need to share them out more evenly.
  • The draft minutes of last year’s AGM are displayed in the members section of the Website and a copy is also displayed on the clubhouse notice board. Please take an opportunity to peruse these before the AGM and if necessary consider amendments or matters arising from the minutes you which to discuss, before you have an opportunity to propose and agree the minutes at the AGM as an accurate record for future reference.
  • Over the next few weeks we will also display a list of proposals to be considered at the AGM. Members are encouraged to raise any further proposals they believe warrant consideration at the meeting. To do this please let your Secretary, Chris Shannon, have the outline of any key issues you would like to be debated and voted on at the AGM; these do need to be proposed and seconded by another Club member. (As mentioned above, new ideas are most welcome - so if you have any ideas or proposals for change, please feel free to discuss these with Chris or anyone from the Committee and we will be happy to help formalise these into proposals for consideration at the AGM).
  • In addition, the Committee will be very happy to take any questions from the floor, though constitutionally it will not be possible to vote on any new proposals not submitted formally as above.
  • I hope you will all feel it is important that you make every effort to be at the AGM to hear the reports of your club officials and to hear what your Committee has planned for our Club over the next 12 months.



Bill Giles

Competition Winners

I have updated all of the competition draw sheets with the winners except the Walker Cup which as you know will be played at the start of next season.
I have also updated the Competition Honours section and Ian has updated the Honours Boards.
If you see any errors or omissions please let me know.
Phil Reed

Visually Impaired Match

Thame Bowls Club Visually Impaired Match

On Saturday 21 September the annual game for the visually impaired took place. There was eager anticipation as the players arrived from places as far away as Newbury, Abingdon, Henley, Amersham and, of course, Thame. After being put into groups, play started soon after 11 o’clock until 12.30 when we all stopped for a sausage lunch expertly cooked by Jo and Barry Green. A further bowling session, occasionally in the rain, lasted until 3pm when we all sat down to tea and cakes, or a glass of beer, with Colin French doing a sterling job behind the bar. Each playing member was then presented with a medal by Les Canfield, Thame Bowls President, with special centenary torches to the 5 blind bowlers. This was followed by our usual 120 square raffle which gave out £70 in prize money. My thanks go to the many club members who helped to make the day so enjoyable and successful.


Bill Giles, Thame Bowls Club, Chairman.



Ken's Race Night 14th September

On Saturday night 14th September we had a brilliant turnout of 60+ for a Race Night at the Club.  The evening was organised for us by Ken and Claire Lewis with Ken’s brother Tom and wife Jan running the show.  Tom and Jan are experienced race night presenters and were happy to come to Thame so we could enjoy the fun.

Feedback has been great, the organisation was slick and it was a fantastic evening, one I hope that we can have again sometime soon!  The bonus was that it was also a healthy evening of exercise, at least for those who had to get out of their chair and walk to collect their winnings.

Many thanks goes to Phil Reed and the team behind the bar for helping to keep everyone 'hydrated'.

But most of all, thanks very much Ken for making it all happen. 

Pictured here are Ken at the back with Tom, Claire, Jan and photo-bomber Sue Boyle, known to us all as Quiz Night host (photo courtesy of Phil Boyle, thanks Phil).

0cb4c9a8 41fa 416c 8db2 2bbe72bf2e4a copy 

2024 Finals Weekend

2024 Finals Weekend Report


As you know the finals weekend just turns up in September each year as does the super playing surface, how this happens I just don’t know.

Just before the weekend I changed the Thame weather provider, which ensured that we had perfect bowling conditions.

All the finals from Friday through to Sunday afternoon where all super games to watch, I had bets with Coral’s on a lot of games but pulled my bets halfway through as I could not read how each game was going to go. The capacity crowd were treated to some top-class bowling, I think the committee may have to think about building a stand and charging entrance money next year. Tony even had some of his family over from New Zealand to come and watch him win a couple of trophies.



I have to thank all the people who took part in all the competitions, the people who gave us the best green in the district (Chris, Jesse, Barry, John, Peter, Peters Grandson - Will, and all the people who look after the flowers and surrounding area. Thanks to the people who manned the bar (most importantly).

I have a feeling that next years competitions will have a lot more entrants, so get your game played early (he is moaning already).

The list of winners is below but please note that we were unable to play the Walker Cup as sadly John had a fall and will not be able to play for some months. The plan is to play this final in the early part of next season.

Photos can be found here (you'll need to be logged in to see them)

Thanks to all again, I enjoyed the weekend very much.



Competitions Secretary.



2024 Competition Finals Results
Competition Winners
Mini League Ken King
Ladies Pairs Frances Goodyear & Irene Park
Warwick Cup ( Mixed pairs) Heather Hallchurch & Jesse Matthews
Walker Cup Matthew Canfield v John Coward - to be played next season
Men’s Victory Pairs Tony Battaglia & Adrian Wilcox
Men’s Taylor Cup Stewart Rump
Men's Jubilee Handicap Ian Rutherford
Ladies Two Woods Heather Hallchurch
Michael Jones David White
Ladies Honour Cup Philippa Feltham
Married Pairs (Josey Cup) Chris & Janet Shannon
Lightfoots Cup Tony Battaglia
Men’s Coronation Cup David White
Ladies Pomeroy Caroline Walker






2024 Mini League Final

The 2024 mini league final was played by Ken King and Geoff Roynon. This year it was delayed until the Friday of finals weekend.
The weather was fine, the rink was freshly sponged by Chris to get the surface dew off and the game commenced. It was 4 ends with 2 bowls, 4 ends with 3 bowls and 4 ends with 4 bowls but, as with the league matches, the jack being played where it lay - it only strayed into the next rink once!
Ken was in the lead from the start and never looked back despite a determined effort from Geoff with the final score Ken 10 Geoff 4.
A very entertaining game to watch especially seeing how the players adapted to the change in the number of bowls they each had.
So congratulations to Ken.
Phil Reed

2024 Finals Weekend - Timetable *Updated - 4th Sept*

2024 Competition Finals Timetable
  Competition Players Marker
Friday start times      
11.00 am Mini League Geoff Roynon v Ken King N/A
11.00 am Ladies Pairs Heather Hallchurch & Gini Williams v Frances Goodyear & Irene Park N/A
4.00 pm Warwick Cup ( Mixed pairs) Heather Hallchurch & Jesse Matthews v Sharon Heafey & Adrian Wilcox N/A
Saturday start times      
11.00 am Walker Cup Matthew Canfield v John Coward Mike Zak
12.00 pm Men’s Victory Pairs John Ashfield & Peter Hughes v Tony Battaglia & Adrian Wilcox N/A
1.00 pm Men’s Taylor Cup Stewart Rump v David Hickman Tom Devaney
2.00 pm Men's Jubilee Handicap Chris Shannon v Ian Rutherford Phil Reed
3.00 pm Ladies Two Woods Janet Shannon v Heather Hallchurch Terri Blackburn
Sunday start times      
11.00 am Michael Jones David White v Ian Rutherford David Hickman
12.00 pm Ladies Honour Cup Philippa Feltham v Jan Baker Norman Hyde
1.00 pm Married Pairs (Josey Cup) John & Ann Ashfield v Chris & Janet Shannon N/A
2.00 pm Lightfoots Cup John Holmes v Tony Battaglia Adrian Wilcox
3.00 pm Men’s Coronation Cup David White v Ian Rutherford Ken King
4.00 pm Ladies Pomeroy Caroline Walker v Heather Hallchurch Jill Brooks

Macmillan Coffee Morning - 28th September


2024 Paul Heafey Cup

This years Paul Heafey cup was played on the evening of Tuesday 27th August, 12 new bowlers took part in the event making up four triples' teams, this was split into 2 Leagues with team A  (Pauline Hewitt, Paul Spence, Trevor Watkins) verses Team B ( Sue Targus, Jeff Hewitt, Adrian Dite.) and team C ( Susie Shott, Nigal Legard, Andy Clark) Verses Team D (Wendy Mannix, Jim Targus, Phil Boyle).

The games where played over six ends , in league one team A beat Team B & in league two team D beat team C.

The final was won by team D (Wendy Mannix, Jim Targus, Phil Boyle)

This competition was played on very nice warm sunny evening with lots of laughter and banter but quickly became very competitive. I had great comments afterwards from all players to say that they had enjoyed there very first competition. 

A big thanks to Chris & Ian and all who gave up their Tuesdays to help all the new bowlers over the recent weeks.


Adrian Wilcox

Competitions  Secretary.

 Some action from the league games




 The finalists





The winners


 Jim, Wendy and Phil



 All the teams



Potter Cup

Potter Cup – Sunday 18th August 2024.

One of our oldest competitions, the Potter Cup was first played for in 1946 when it seems Mr E M Potter won his own cup to start off proceedings and by 1973 the format was established as a men’s pairs event. This year’s competition was played on Sunday 18th August in front of a good number of spectators, in lovely weather and on a freshly mowed green which bowled beautifully.

Philippa Feltham, Diane Mackriell and Terri Blackburn helped Chris Shannon to organise the event, and due to a few late absences Chris also bowled to make up the numbers.

So, a small, but select group of 10 bowlers contested four short matches to decide who was going to be in the final. Roger Blackburn and Tom Devaney engineered a storming 10-1 win in their third match which propelled them into the final against Chris Shannon and Ken Lewis. The final was closely contested, but a four shot gain on the third end proved sufficient to allow Chris and Ken victory by a small margin overall.

Your committee thanks all who took part on the day, the members who watched and supported the bowling and of course those mentioned above who helped to make the event a success on the day. It would be good to have more bowlers take part in our one day club competitions going forward to uphold long standing traditions.

Final Friday League Results and Table - 16th August

The last and final results and table of 2024 are here

Tiny Tots v The BRPs

This was a one-off triples challenge match of 15 ends played in sunny but very windy conditions.
The Tiny Tots - Diane McKriell, Irene Park and skip Denise Manger got their name when they were standing at the bar. Phil Reed who was on bar duty that night and became skip of the BRPs, said that the Tiny Tots had arrived since they are all of a certain height and can only just see over the bar. This prompted the challenge which due to holidays and illness had to be delayed until today. Phil managed to get Ray Lewin and Barry Green to join him to complete the BRP team.
The Tots won the toss and took the mat. They stormed into a 4-0 lead after 2 ends but then the BRPs got the hang of it and scored 2 on the next end. The following end was crucial because the BRPs got 5 to make the score 7-4 to the BRPs who then got 2 on the next end making it 9-4 to the BRPs who never relinquished the lead, despite the Tots winning the next 4 ends but by just a single shot. After that the BRPs won every end by a shot or two to give a final score of 18-12 to the BRPs.
This was just a fun match played within the rules but with a lot of laughing and joking and who knows maybe it will be repeated next year.
If you want to organise a one-off match why not do it. If you send me a write up I'll stick it on the website.
Phil Reed

Naming of the club bar



Gordon Taylor gave a brief speech, which is detailed below, for the formal naming of the club bar.

Hello everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Gordon Taylor , vice chair of the Bowls Club and currently chair of Thame Sports Club Management Committee. The Sports Club embraces the playing sections with responsibility for maintaining the site and the pavilion. I have been chair since the Annual General Meeting in December 2023 when there was a discussion and agreement that there should be recognition of the late Peter Bozier’s contribution to the pavilion rebuild project. At the time of the rebuild , Peter was chair of the Sports Club Management Committee and gave many hours of his time to preparing and submitting applications for grants from local authorities and sports bodies to enable the rebuild project to proceed – one notable example being an application to South Oxfordshire District Council which resulted in them making a grant of £240,000. This represented a significant proportion of the total grants received. Peter’s contribution to the rebuild programme has been described to me by one or two long standing tennis members who knew Peter well as “ truly stupendous “ and a “ sterling effort”.

Consequently at the 2023 Annual General Meeting, it was decided unanimously that the Sports Club bar should be named “ Bozier’s Bar” in Peter’s memory. As often happens with these projects, it has taken longer to complete than I would have wanted but at last all is ready and I am delighted to invite John Ansell, a long standing tennis member, to formally name the bar.

Thank you

2024 Whitsun Cup

Whitsun Cup - 31st July (Just a tad late)

As I heard someone say last week I think I am going to change my weather provider, the first date for the Whitsun Cup was postponed due to heavy rain & cold weather, now we have to play in 30 degree heat (cant win!) We only had 16 players so I divided this in to four teams of 4, due to the heat I reduced the game to just 3 games of 5 ends, with the top scoring teams playing off against each other in a final.

The final was between Team B Roger Blackburn, Chris Roberts, June Greene and Ken Lewis, against Team C John Holmes, Jenny Reed, Keith Brooks and Tony Battaglia. Val Sawyer was in Team C until the Final, but she was feeling the heat so Jenny stepped in to help the team. I think Val was pacing herself as she was off to a run the marathon at the OLYMPICS and a Disco in the evening (sensible).

The final was won by Team B June Greene, Chris Roberts, Ken Lewis and Roger Blackburn.

Thank you to all that took part on this very hot day, thanks to Phil for doing the bar, and Keith for helping to lay out the green.


Adrian Wilcox






The winners - Roger, June, Ken and Chris (Mike Zak was photo bombing in the background)



The finalists - Roger, June, John, Keith, Tony, Ken, Jenny and Chris.



Active Thame

Visit the Active Thame Exhibition at Thame Museum 79 High Street to see “The Story of Sport in Thame Exhibition” that includes the origins and various exhibits of the Thame Bowls and Tennis Clubs.
This is the exhibition that our own John Ashfield and John Ansell of the Tennis Club have been putting together these past few months with the help and donations of club members.
Well worth a visit. 

Tell Your Friends - Open Morning for Prospective New Bowlers

On Saturday a group of us represented the Bowls Club at the Healthy Thame Fayre that took place in and around the Town Hall.  There was not a huge turnout for any of the participants, that included the Thame Tennis, Rugby, Football, Cycling and Running Clubs, along with the U3A, Ramblers and others.
We were telling people that we would be having an Open Morning on 13th July between 9am - 12pm when Ian will be at the Club and on the bowls green together with as many volunteers as he can muster to meet and greet any who turn up.
Please tell any of your friends who you think might like to try bowls.  A pair of trainers is all they need to bring with them.  

Potters Mobile Bowls Shop at Thame on Tuesday 18th June

Potters Roadshow Poster
They've already been asked to bring along some 000's (triple zero extra small sized bowls) and a walking stick aid, so if there is anything else you would like to see up close let Ian or Potters know on the number on the poster!! 

Chicken, Pheasant & Egg

Chicken, Egg and Pheasant 
 I would like to thank all the members who turned out to play in our Chicken and Egg sessions this past month, I hope you all enjoyed it. From the feedback I have received all those who took part enjoyed their games. 

Despite a couple of really cold evenings we managed all five sessions. Before the first session we engaged the help of 6 players who played a couple of trial ends to run though the format, they in turn helped players on their rinks. After 5 weeks we now have 30 players in the club who have played the game before and can help new players in the future. It soon became apparent that redrawing after 4 or 6 ends in the cooler May evenings would not work so we played 10 ends straight through which worked much better. 

On Friday 31st May we held the final session of the spring Chicken and Egg. In the spirit of the competition and Bill Giles “wicked” sense of humour, we played a joke on our overall winner when Jan Baker was presented with a live pheasant and Bill Giles gave her a knife and instructions on what to do with it! Which resulted in a look of total shock from Jan and an extra round of applause from the audience. The pheasant was quickly replaced with an oven ready chicken with 2nd and 3rd prizes of hen and pheasant eggs. Special thanks to Chris Trainer for bringing the live pheasant and supplying the eggs.  

Week I John Ashfield 44 points 
Week 2 Ann Ashfield 66 points 
Week 3 Bill Slade 61 points 
Week 4 Peter Dawe 41 points 
Overall winner with the highest combined score: 
Week 5 Jan Baker 201 points
Jan keeping as far away as possible from the pheasant.
Sue came 2nd and received both chicken and pheasant eggs
John came 3rd


Quick Look at the Rink Diary - Update

I have inserted a link to the above in with the other Rink Diary links.
I've put it in green font so it stands out.
Phil Reed

Quick Look at the Rink Diary - New Feature

Just want a quick look at the rink diary without logging in?
Then click here
You can't book a rink but can see availability.

Sportsclub Winter Short Mat Competition final results

Over the 6 weeks of the competition 28 members took part and played a variable number of matches each.
Some played a few whilst others played all 12 however after the final round of matches on the 16th Feb
the overall winner was Bill Slade.
Gordon Taylor, the chairman of Thame Sports Club, presented Bill with the winners prize of £40.
I would like to thank Terry Emberson for sorting out the teams each week and Jackie Emberson and
Philippa Feltham for dealing with the admin side and getting the results to me.
 Gordon Taylor presents the winners prize to Bill Slade

NYE celebration


Approx. 35 club members and their guests enjoyed a great evening at the club to celebrate and see in the New Year. Unfortunately due to illness our President Les Canfield could not attend and Norman passed on his apologies. For a difference this year live music was provided by Father and Daughter duo Cahoot from Chinnor who sang and played a good selection of music which suited the members. Father Steve had developed a severe sore throat that afternoon but carried on bravely. One of the first numbers they played was Love is all around by Wet Wet Wet which brought Paul and Linda first to the dance floor as it's their special number. Tables had been arranged to allow a generous area for dancing which was certainly needed later on with other members taking to the dance floor.

The generous buffet was provided by Yvette Raisen from the Windmill Café in Chinnor and included finger sandwiches, spring rolls and lots of other picky bits and when you think the whole evening including food and music only cost £10 you realise what excellent value the evening was.

During the evening, a raffle was organised with lots of prizes donated by club members and £170 was raised for club funds.

On evenings like this it makes you realise that not only do we have a terrific new club house and excellent bowling facilities but also a good social club for the benefit of all members.

Evenings like this do not just happen and thanks must go to Jo for organising the whole event for the second year and to Phil and his team of Ray, Barbara, Jo, Barry, and Roger behind the bar. The bar prices were normal club prices and as competitive with anything else in town but also what helps member’s pockets is being able to buy full size bottles of wine and prosecco.

As midnight approached everyone took to the dance floor to see in the New Year in style and to sing Auld Lang Syne which then brought the club into its 100th year.



Ken Bennell & Melv Warner


P.S. some photos here - you'll need to be logged in to see them.

If you have any that you would like to add please let Phil know.



The Duncan's Christmas Draw

Maire and Ron's Christmas draw took place at the Christmas Social on 15th December and overall raised a brilliant £360 for the Club.
A similar amount was awarded in prizes which were won by 1st Terri, 2nd Jesse, 3rd Gini, 4th Lydia & Frank and finally 5th Diane.
Many thanks to Maire and Ron who spend the best part of 6 months putting up the sheets and collecting the money so that we can have a bit of fun at Christmas and at the same time put some valuable funds in the Club's bank account to cover the costs that never seem to go down.  

Xmas Social

The Xmas celebrations started on the 15th after a short mat game.
Chairman Bill was a story teller, Maire and Ron did the Christmas Draw, Ian did the 300 Club Draw and Jo and Barb did some nibbles and a table top quiz.
There then followed some extraordinary dancing which was encouraged by turning all the lights out which in turn encouraged some even more extraordinary..... something but it wasn't dancing. :-)
It didn't finish until gone midnight with some members looking extremely fragile on Saturday.
We were caught on camera by a tennis member who couldn't remember whether she was going to or from the rugby club when she took the picture but is happy for me to steal it - just have a look at the pictures at the top of the page.
Unfortunately I was a bit too tied up with the bar so didn't get any photos or videos.
I know that some of you have so can I have them please.
Finally I'm sure you'll all join me in thanking Jo for organising the evening and roll on New Years Eve.  If you haven't let Jo know you're coming please do because if the rehearsal was anything to go by the main attraction should be absolutely spiffing!
Phil Reed

Xmas Social - Friday 15th December


Short Mat

We thought it was newsworthy to highlight the Thame Sports Club team’s record league match result of a 10-0 win against Stewkley.
You can read the match report using the tab at the top of this page or by using the following link https://www.thamesportsclub.co.uk/home/short-mat/ just scroll down the page a bit when you get there. 

Quiz Night 10th November 2023

Last Friday night’s Quiz Night was a great night out for all who came.  Sue and Phil Boyle were unable to host the quiz as usual because Sue’s mother suffered a stroke last weekend and was in the JR.  Sue and Phil have been spending much of their time there but were kind enough to compile the questions which Jo presented immaculately, like she’d been doing it forever.  

Of course, Jo was ably assisted by Barry together with their daughter Carolyn who kept tabs on the scores and leaderboard.

The winning team for the 2nd (or is it the 3rd?) time, lead by Chris, and of course featuring quiz queen Catherine Jones donated their prizes to the team that came second and are pictured below with Terri in the foreground. 

Phil and Ian were behind the bar all evening with help from Peter who was also busy successfully seeking new sponsors. Chris and Ray Lewin chased around selling numbers on the raffle board.  Chris, young Jacob, Barbara and Ray set the room up and between them Bob and Jean Miller cleaned tables, stacked chairs and vacuumed afterwards.  Phil provided the PA system.  Apologies if anyone who helped has been missed out! 

A good mix of members and friends paid ‘entrance fees’ which less the cost of winners’ prizes raised £270.  The raffle less cost of prizes raised a further £70 and the bar was pretty busy all night.

Around £50 of raffle winnings was kindly donated to Sue and Phil's chosen charity, the Stroke Association, and the Bowls Club donated a further £100 from the night’s takings in recognition of Sue and Phil’s work in putting the Quiz together for us.

A roaring success.

In other news, Jo has secured Oracle Ear Care as a sponsor of our Christmas Social on the 15th December and over the weekend the last available 300 club number was taken, so we now have 300 numbers with names against them ready for the bumper Christmas Draw!


The website has now been updated with the Constitution amendments and the Committee members for the 2023-24 year as agreed at the AGM last Monday.

Blind Bowlers Day

As we waited in anticipation for the invited visually impaired visitors to arrive at the club the sun came out and continued throughout the day. The annual event, cancelled during COVID, is a special day in the calendar and Saturday 30 September 2023 was no exception. The green was in superb condition, and was then prepared for blind bowlers under the supervision of Norman Hyde and all was ready for the off. The players were placed in pairs and under the watchful eye of the helpers played through until one o’clock when we all sat down to a buffet lunch supplied by The Windmill Cafe in Chinnor. Further games continued after lunch until 3 pm when everyone came into the clubhouse for tea and cakes. President Les Canfield then handed out club pens to all the players before Devante and Danni, who organised the bowlers, were presented with a medal each for their efforts. A great day was had by all and I , as Chairman of the Club, was deeply proud of all the Thame Bowls members who stepped in to help on the green and in the clubhouse. Particular mention must be made to all the ladies who served the teas, the men who manned the bar and those who helped on the green, and who can forget Keith Brooks who diligently looked after a few ladies who wanted to try bowls out for the first time?

Thanks to everyone who made the day such a success.
Bill Giles


Photos are here. You'll need to be logged in to see them.

2023 Presentation Evening Photos

Sorry it's taken so long to put these up but they are finally in the gallery here
You will need to be logged in to see them.

Competition Honours

This section of the website has now been updated with this years results.
To see them please go here

2023 Paul Heafey Cup

Paul Heafey Cup 2023

When we thought the season was over after a top-class finals weekend, up pops the Paul Heafey cup on Monday evening to yet again entertain us with excellent bowling by this year’s newcomers.

We had 6 new starters which we divided into two triples, for a game of 10 ends.

Team 1 was Chris, Colin & Jane v Team 2 which was Phillippa, Paul & Jan. I have never seen the jack picked up and taken back so many times, I thought we were going to run out of chalk. The score after 7 ends was 8-2 and was beginning to look like a run away win for Chris, Colin & Jane but on end 8 Philippa’s team scored 6 so now the game is even. Philippa’s team then scored 2 on end nine & 1 on end ten.

Just goes to show never give up on a game. This was a very nice game for the observer, a joy to watch, nice to see we have excellent players coming through to make our teams stronger.

Adrian Wilcox,

Competitions Secretary.




The finalists - Chris, Phillippa, Jan, Paul, Colin and Jane with the team mascot Jack.




Sharon Heafey presents the trophy to the winning team of Phillippa, Paul and Jan.



2023 Competition Finals

I know you may have heard me say this over the weekend, but I observed some top-quality bowling in all the finals competitions, I am sure there were some England selectors in the crowd on Sunday.

All the finalists had all deserved to be there, and over the last few weeks I had seen many semi-finals games that would also be worthy of any final.

Even if you did not make a final you should all be proud of the way you played in the competition with everybody’s game improving greatly, we are very lucky to have a great depth of players to choose from when it comes to Men’s, Ladies, & mixed games whether in friendlies or competitions.

The weather was excellent, even if a bit too hot, many thanks to Chris for making sure that everybody had plenty to drink with cold water & ice cream available, and plenty of cake.

Thank you to all that helped make it a great weekend, bar staff keeping us all oiled, ladies that sorted out the cake and tea’s, thanks to Les for marking my game, and presenting all the trophies. And of course a very special thanks to Chris and all of his team who were on the green at silly o'clock cutting and preparing it before each day's matches.

It makes me feel that I want to do it all again next year.

With thanks,

Adrian Wilcox

Competitions Secretary.


The winners of each competition were :-


Ladies Pomeroy Cup - Sharon Heafey

Ladies Pairs Ford Cup - Ann Ashfield & Maire Duncan

Ladies Honour Cup - Gini Williams

Ladies 2 Wood Singles - Sharon Heafey


Men's Coronation Cup - David White

Men's Jubilee Handicap - Ray Plested

Men's Victory Pairs - Ray Plested & Melv Warner

Men's Walker Cup - Geoff Roynon

Men's Taylor Cup - David White


Michael Jones Cup - Adrian Wilcox

Married Pairs Josey Cup - Janet & Chris Shannon

Men's & Ladies Pairs Warwick Cup - Deirdre Page & Ray Plested

Lightfoots Cup - Ian Rutherford



A few action shots from the day - we will put a more complete gallery of photos on the website after Presentation evening on the 7th October




Janet in full flow





Maybe we should have a prize for the best guess at what is going on here?





It did rain a bit but that didn't deter the hardy spectators.


Friday League Results and Table - 8th September

Team F are this years winners so congratulations to John Walker, Peter Gibbons, Irene Barker, Peter Dawe, Mike Hants, and John Coward.
Final results and table are here

Heafey Cup

The Paul Heafey Cup for new and nearly new bowlers will be held on Monday 11th Sept at 5pm.
This will be the first competition that some of these bowlers have entered so please come along and support them.

2023 Competition Finals Schedule - *Updated*

Apologies as I inadvertently missed out the Ladies Pairs Ford Cup from the schedule.
As you will see below it is on Sunday at 2:30pm.

Potter Cup 2023

Another great day of bowling in the Potter Cup on Sunday 27th August. 10 teams of men’s pairs where divided in to 2 leagues of 5, each team played 4 games of five ends, scored on ends won and total shots per team. The winners from each league then went on to play in the final, which was contested by Ian Rutherford & Keith Brooks verses Ray Plested & Roger Blackburn over six ends, with Ian & Keith coming out the winners. Keith as normal, won £ 5 in the raffle whilst he was playing in the final - typical.

Its getting harder to pick balanced teams for this type of game, with the quality of bowlers we have in the club now.

Thanks to Phil, Sharon & Jo who gave so much help today.



Adrian Wilcox


Competitions Secretary





Finalists Ian Rutherford, Keith Brooks, Ray Plested and Roger Blackburn




Winners Ian Rutherford and Keith Brooks are presented with the trophy by President Les Canfield


Mini League Result

On Tuesday 15th the final of this years mini league took place. After 3 months of competition the winners of each of the 3 leagues met to decide the ultimate champion.
Heather Hallchurch, the blue league winner, John Hurley the red league winner and Chris Shannon the green league winner played a 3 way singles game of 12 ends. The first 4 ends were with 2 woods, the next 4 ends were with 3 woods and the final 4 ends were with 4 woods.
Played against a background of a Sheryl Crow album, Heather would have preferred Baroque or classical at least but everyone had the same distraction, and occasional sound effects and with decent weather for a change the 3 protagonists started straight away. At the end of the 2 wood section Chris was in the lead by 1 shot and after the 3 wood section Heather had taken a 2 shot lead. In the final 4 ends Heather increased her lead to win by 6 shots and pick up the £40 winners pot. Sadly John was somewhat off form. but we all have our off days, but still managed some remarkable shots.
I think it's fair to say that everyone concerned had a bit of a laugh and enjoyed not just the final but the previous 3 months.
I would like to thank everyone who took part with a special thanks to Adrian Wilcox who was the official scorer on finals day and has helped me organise the event.
Phil Reed
John Hurley, Heather Hallchurch and Chris Shannon - 2023 Mini League Finalists.
Heather Hallchurch 2023 Mini League Winner

Men's Oxfordshire League Team

You’ll be delighted to learn that our Men’s Oxfordshire League Team came equal on points at the top of the Division 3 table. 
However, we lost out on 1st place purely due to a slightly inferior shot difference than Woodstock who were recognised as table toppers.  We won more games than Woodstock but they accumulated more points overall.
All things being equal this means we will be promoted and return back to Division 2 again next year.
Many congratulations to Captain John Rawson and all who played for us this Summer and thanks to everyone who helped out and supported us during the season. 
The final table and Thursday’s results appear below and are also on display in the clubhouse. 

Ladies v Gents - 1st Sept

Roll Up Roll Up Roll Up
Ladies v Gents match needs you.
The annual thrashing of the gents is on Friday 1st September which is also sponsors night.
You can sign up for it now - the sheet is on the board in the clubhouse.
If you can't get to the clubhouse just use the Contact Us button at the top of this page and
I'll put your name up for you.
It couldn't be easier.
Be there or be square

Mini League Final

After 3 months of matches the winners of each of the 3 leagues are Heather Hallchurch, John Hurley and Chris Shannon.
They will play a final on Tuesday 15th August at 11am - weather permitting!
This will be a match of 12 ends, the first 4 ends will be 2 woods, the next 4 ends will be 3 woods and the final 4 ends will be 4 woods.The winner will be the one with most shots.
All 3 league winners will be playing each other on the same rink at the same time so it a 3-way singles match.
Please come along  to cheer them on.

Our Bowls Green

On the wet Sunday morning of 23rd July, the pictured Jesse Matthews, Melv Warner and Greenkeeper Chris Shannon were the volunteers who turned out to cut the green ready for the match later that day against Wendover. 

The green is mowed 2 or 3 times a week to keep it as one of the best playing surfaces in the county and because this work is done by volunteer club members while most of us are getting on with our lives, it often goes unnoticed, but I sincerely hope not unappreciated. 

The people who work on our green alongside Chris are, in no particular order, Jesse, Melv, John and Wendy Rawson, Barry Green, John Ashfield, Peter Gibbons and when he is available, Peter’s grandson Will Gent.  Those who regularly look after the grass surrounds and flowers are Roger Blackburn, Ian Griffiths, Maggie Gibbons and Ann Ashfield. 

Please let them know their work is appreciated next time you see them. 

Jesse mowing


President's Day 2023

President Les Canfield had this to say after his big day:

A great day, weather was nice, a bit windy but it did not stop play.

We had two spiders and the moving goal posts.  Thanks to the club members who donated the prizes .

Thanks goes to Bill for doing his raffle board.  

Thanks to Joanna and Barbara for setting up the bottle raffle, the wonderful table settings and their tea making.  

Thanks also for those who helped on the bar and of course all those members able to support my day.

Many thanks goes to Russell for his support in the organisation and planning of the event.

I'm delighted to say we were able to donate over £300 to Cancer Research from our activities on the day.

1 1a

More photos are now in the Photo Gallery. Please click here - you'll need to be logged in to see them.

Norfolk Cup

For the first time in a few years we beat our good friends of South Oxford Bowls Club in our annual Norfolk Cup contest.

Here we see John Rawson being presented with the Cup and the team on the green. 



Hot Shots


Bill Giles presented the hot shots certificates and badges to Mike Hants, Pat Munday, Roger Blackburn and Les Canfield for their scoring of 8 shots in one end at Adderbury on Saturday May 13th.

Roger Blackburn, team captain said "This was Pat’s first competitive game for the club and Mike Hants first season playing outdoors for the club so congratulations to them both."



Short Mat Competition - Final Results

After the penultimate round of matches on the 19th May it looked like Irene Park had an almost unassailable lead.
But on Friday the 2nd June the final matches were played resulting in joint winners - Irene and Roger Blackburn ended with an average score of 12.2. In third place was Geoff Roynon with a score of 10.75.
 The winners Irene and Roger with the organisers Bill and Terry
 Geoff was in third place - again with Bill and Terry

2023 Whitsun Trophy


Whitsun cup played on Sunday 28th May.


Due to a higher level of interest this year there was a change to the format of this competition.

We had 24 entries, this was formatted into 6 teams of four bowlers, the 6 six teams where then divided into two leagues of three teams.

Each team played the other two teams in their league over 7 ends for each game, the winner from each league then played each other in a 7 end final.


The final was played by team 3 Alison Wilkinson, Mike Zak, Ray Lewin, (Byron Harvey who shared a game with Ray Lewin), Dave Holland as skip, and team 6 Gini Williams, Colin French, Jan Sargeant, Heather Hallchurch as skip.






The final was won by the Heather Hallchurch’s team, 7 shots to 5.


The weather was just right not too hot and a little breeze, a lot of banter which made the afternoon very enjoyable from the comments I received.

Thanks very much to Chris & his team especially Barry Green, for giving us a excellent green to bowl on, thanks also to Barry and Jo for running the bar, and to Phil Reed in helping me with a spreadsheet to help format the game, and help with the card scoring.


Adrian Wilcox

Competitions Secretary






Short Mat Competition - Results and Table 21st May

With only 1 week of matches left Irene Park has what appears to be an unassailable lead but is it?
With cash prizes for the top 3 there are still a number of players in with a chance to spend their
winnings behind the bar.
Why not come along on Friday 2nd June to see the final days play.
1st match is at 6pm.

Aunt Sally home match vs The Cricketers Arms

On a wet evening on Tuesday 9th May we played our first competitive, but friendly and
high spirited Aunt Sally home match against The Cricketers Arms from Littleworth.
Unfortunately we lost 21 - 39, which, against a team from the  Oxfordshire 3rd Division,
was an excellent performance . 
I know skipper Ray Lewin was proud of his teams efforts.
A big thank you to the team of  Ray, Frank, Barry, Barb, Janet, Roger, Geoff and
Chris who top scored on the night with 7 Dolls.
Also a big thank you to Barbara for providing the refreshments which went down
very well, and to the many supporters, who braved the weather to come and cheer us on .
A good night was had by all and the return match is being planned for the near future.

Simon Bell

It is my very sad duty to let you know that Simon Bell has passed away.

Many of you will remember him as a true gentleman who used to bowl his size 7 woods from the hip with devastating results.

I am in contact with his family and will let you know about him and the funeral arrangements when I get them.

Bill Giles OBE

Chairman, Thame Bowls Club


2023 March/April Short Mat Finals

The finals of the recent Thursday short mat competition were played on the afternoon of 13 April in front of a very knowledgeable and enthusiastic audience.
The medals were presented by Ron Duncan.
Geoff Roynon and Colin French were the winners.
Les Canfield and Sandra French were beaten for the top spot.
David Holland and Jan Sargeant were in third place