Thame Bowls Club weekly news report 12
Although the midweek match against Oxford City and County had to be cancelled, the quick, thinking Thame stalwarts hastily arranged a Club game between 30 willing members. Heather Hallchurch’s team eventually beat Jill Brooks’ side 75 – 40, with the highest winning rink played by Bob Champion, Jackie Emberson and skip, John Walker but the whole afternoon went very well, culminating in a cream tea!
The men bounced back in the Oxfordshire and District Men’s League game against Oxford City and County taking 5 points to Oxford’s 1 in an 83 shots to 46 victory. This win takes them back up to second in the League with just two matches left. The highest winning rink was played by Leonard Grimshaw, Colin Feltham, John Rawson and skip Chris Shannon.
The friendly match against Bicester on Saturday 7th August finished with another defeat for Thame 63 shots to 99 and showed, not for the first time, that although Thame have a number of very willing players, they lack experienced skips. This with greater game time and coaching where necessary will inevitably lead to better results. The best rink was played by Keith Brooks, Jane Kimber and skip Gordon Taylor.