TBC 100 logo V3
Our new clubhouse completed Autumn 2020
Our former Clubhouse was a prominent feature in Queens Road
Remember those sunny days....
The green looks a bit quiet unlike the clubhouse

Match Reports

Thame Bowls Club weekly newsletter 13

Thame Ladies’ match against Hazells was cancelled because of the extremely hot weather on Monday 18th July but the Men’s Oxfordshire League game against Charlbury on the evening of Thursday 21st July was able to be played. The men wished however that it too be cancelled as they went down 42 shots to 80 giving Charlbury all 6 league points. Thame’s best performing rink was skipped by Ron Duncan who lost narrowly by 2 shots and Thame are rooted to the foot of the League.

On Saturday 23rd July Captain John Walker and his team visited Gerrards Cross, one of the foremost clubs in the Country for a return fixture. The weather was great, the green outstanding and the game a nail biter. Thame scraped a narrow win to keep the Saturday result momentum up, by 69 – 57 and the highest winning rink was played by Ian Griffiths, Heather Hallchurch and skip Bill Giles. As with most clubs, they made us very welcome.

On Sunday 24th July, Thame were away at Wendover. Although we lost 2 rinks to 3 we went down heavily on points 49 -100. It was pleasing that Frances Goodyear was Captain for the day, her first time and the winning rink for Thame was played by Tom Devaney, Roger Blackburn and skip David Holland. An enjoyable afternoon and company, just a pity about the score, Bill knows when to have a Sunday off!

26 July 2022




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Sunday, 9th of February 2025