TBC 100 logo V3
Our new clubhouse completed Autumn 2020
Our former Clubhouse was a prominent feature in Queens Road
Remember those sunny days....
The green looks a bit quiet unlike the clubhouse

Match Reports

Thame Bowls Club weekly newsletter 19

A splendid day was had at Aston Clinton Bowls Club on Tuesday 30 August, and although we lost 62 shots to 56 two members who had recently attended our skip's course, Roger Blackburn and Peter Dawe, skipped for the first time in a club match. Congratulations to them both. Our highest winning rink by 22 shots to 6, was Gini Williams, who had a great game, and skip Bill Giles with Andrew, a member of Aston Clinton who was drafted in to play for us as one of our team failed to turn up. 

The last Ladies match for the season on 31 August, was a win for Thame with an overall score of 52 - 35. Winning rink was Gini Williams, Heather Hallchurch and skip Jill Brooks 22 - 6 and a win for a second rink of 16 - 12 for June Greene, Terri Blackburn and skip Caroline Walker. 


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Sunday, 9th of February 2025