TBC 100 logo V3
Our new clubhouse completed Autumn 2020
Our former Clubhouse was a prominent feature in Queens Road
Remember those sunny days....
The green looks a bit quiet unlike the clubhouse

Match Reports

Thame Bowls Club weekly newsletter 9

Under leaden skies our Sunday team played at Princes Risborough on June 19th. At half time, when tea and biscuits were served, four out of our five triples were hoping that the expression "it all changes after tea" was correct but sadly it was not to be and as the rain came down Risborough won by 51 shots to 102.Only rink 6, consisting of Gini Williams, Jill Brooks and skip Norman Hyde,  didn't lose to the opposition and although losing 1 on the last end ended with a creditable draw. One bright note was that Diane Mackriell played her first match for the club and bowled very well.


The following Tuesday on an enjoyable but very hot afternoon, Thame lost to Loudwater by 47 shots to 55. Top rink for Thame was played by Ian Griffiths, Keith Brooks and skip Les Canfield.


On Thursday the Men’s League team went down by 80 shots to 51 against a very strong Kidlington team who after securing 6 points are now 2nd in the League. Thame remain in 5th place and although losing on all four rinks, Bill Giles’ men lost by just one shot.






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Saturday, 8th of February 2025