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Our new clubhouse completed Autumn 2020
Our former Clubhouse was a prominent feature in Queens Road
Remember those sunny days....
The green looks a bit quiet unlike the clubhouse

Match Reports

Thame Bowls Club weekly newsletter No 11

On Saturday 1st July Thame played High Wycombe at home looking to avenge a defeat on their green just 3 weeks ago. Luckily, we were able to do just that by winning 80 shots to 71 and winning on 3 of the 5 rinks as skipped by Frances, Les and Ian. The highest winning rink of these involved Gini WIlliams, Jill Brooks and skip, Ian Rutherford who was also Captain for the day, his first match in that role.

On a rather breezy but pleasantly warm Sunday afternoon on 2nd July, Thame travelled to City and County with great expectations of a second Sunday win; and win we did by 83 shots to 76. Top rink was Maureen Giles, Jill Brooks and skip Bill Giles who won 17 shots to 10. We won on 3 rinks, lost on one and drew on one and that draw was quite remarkable. Jane Kimber, Peter Dawe and skip Colin French were 18-5 down after 13 ends but rallied well, got a 6 on the 14th and won the last 5 ends to draw 18-18. Thanks to everyone who played from Captain Bill Giles.

Thame Ladies played on 4th July and despite the gentle rain and then a downpour we managed to play 12 ends.  Thame had a very good win of 40 - 8.  The winning rink was Terri Blackburn, Jackie Emberson and skip Frances Goodyear with a brilliant score of 18 - 1.   Philippa Feltham, Marie Duncan and skip Caroline Walker also had a good win of 15 - 7.  Captain Jill Brooks said, ‘many thanks to Jan Sargeant and Alison Wilkinson for playing for Watlington as they were 2 short to make up 3 triples.’





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Sunday, 9th of February 2025