TBC 100 logo V3
Our new clubhouse completed Autumn 2020
Our former Clubhouse was a prominent feature in Queens Road
Remember those sunny days....
The green looks a bit quiet unlike the clubhouse

Match Reports

Thame Bowls Club Weekly Newsletter 3

Thame Ladies bounced back from their disappointing first game, with a convincing win over South Oxford Ladies 71 – 35. Thame’s best rink was played by Ann Ashfield, Jill Brooks and skip, Heather Hallchurch who won 24 – 11.

The mixed friendly away at Amersham was another victory for Thame in a very close match by 67 shots to 62. Thame’s best rink was played by Bill Giles, Colin French and Frances Goodyear.

The Men’s second round League Cup match away at Headington unfortunately ended in a defeat for Thame so it is on to the League fixtures in Division 2 for the men. These start on Thursday 2 June with a home match against Bicester and run every Thursday throughout the season although there is an away fixture on Friday 27 May against South Oxford for the Norfolk Cup.

The Saturday mixed friendly match versus Adderbury proved to be a home defeat for Thame by 49 shots to 88 in very warm summery conditions. Thame won on one rink though played by Marion Keal, Mike Ralls and skip Les Canfield.

The wet gear was in evidence at Winslow on Sunday 15 May with rain on and off throughout the afternoon. Thame bowled well on a very pleasant green and ended up winners by 84 shots to 40 with all the triples winning. Three rinks were in the frame for highest winning rink but it turned out to be Roger Blackburn, Norman Hyde and Skip, Ian Rutherford, who came very close to getting a hot shot, and eventually winning by 26 shots to 10. The afternoon ended with some refreshments which will be reciprocated when Winslow visit Thame in 2023.


16 May 2022



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Saturday, 8th of February 2025