Thame Bowls Club weekly newsletter No 6.
The delayed result from the away friendly fixture against Hagbourne on 20 May, proved to be a disappointing defeat by 119 shots to 64 with no winning rink.
The men’s League team however, continued their winning ways with a fine game against City and County B at home on 25 May. The overall score was 72 shots to 58 and they took 4 points giving them top place in Division 3. Their best rink was played by John Ashfield, Dave Holland, Leonard Grimshaw and skip Ray Plested winning 28 – 10.
The men also triumphed in the Norfolk Cup against South Oxford on Friday 26 May and the scores etc will follow.
The mixed friendly at Long Crendon on Saturday 27 May Captained by Roger Blackburn, proved to be a narrow defeat by 79 shots to 66. The weather was very warm and the Green very fast and Thame’s best rink was played by Mike Zakaszewski, Jane Kimber and skip Dave Holland.
The Club played the Whitsun Cup on Sunday 28 May, and a separate report will be added to the website.